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Films 1: Best film awards

From the broad variety of films produced by our students, every semester a ‘best film award’ is given to the student(s) that realized the top film concerning the intercultural content and the way of production.

Out of Reutlingen - Experiences in Shanghai
Georg Holleczek, Marlene Meissner, Bohdan Subota

tl_files/jh_images_screenshots/shanghai_guanxi.gif     Diversified and technically very well realized film about the Chinese culture, special focus on ‘Guanxi’ as a very specific Chinese concept. Features: Interviews with business consultant and business student; presentation of a culture specific concept.

Out of Reutlingen - Experiences in San Diego
Lea Grathwohl, Stefanie Möck

tl_files/jh_images_screenshots/san_diego.gif     Diversified film with a very good focus on intercultural aspects, even regional differences between Southern and Northern California. Features: interviews with exchange students, interviews with professors, own statements, simulation of a critical incident etc.

Out of Reutlingen - Experiences in Vietnam
Denis Daut


The film shows different perspectives on the Viatnamese culture from students from all over the world. It presents a good mixture of visible aspects (e.g. language, crowded streets) and inivisible aspects (e.g. face, hierarchy). Features: interviews with international students, discussion of a critical incident experienced by a student.