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The ICXP Film Project: Intercultural Experiences in Films

The production of a film on one’s intercultural experiences is especially effective for intercultural learning if the process is coached by an intercultural expert and the film script is developed step-by-step in a multi-level process.

What films?

Interview with a Finnish exchange student
Interview with a Finnish
exchange student

We have supported and coached a large number of students in their production of films on their intercultural experiences during their international study semester or internship. The films are produced by students of ESB Business School, Reutlingen University in the framework of their studies in International Business. They present culture specific values and behaviours, or peculiarities of the university and business cultures. Interviewing international or local students, professors or managers, the students discover and present new perspectives on the local culture.

Multi-level coaching

First draft of a film script
First draft of a film script

The development and production of the films is coached in a multi-level process: Students first develop a draft for the film script in which they give a broad idea of the content, the forms of presentation, the different scenes, pictures, overlay-texts etc. Upon a first feedback from the lecturer they improve their script and hand it in again, so it develops step-by-step into an effective on-screen presentation of their intercultural experiences – which is then actually realized.

Who else benefits?

Vietnamese words and concepts
Vietnamese words and

The films are not only means to enhance the intercultural learning process of the producing students. Additionally, other students can learn from the films: They learn what challenges other students have faced. They get to know culture specific concepts from countries where they have not been themselves. And they witness cultural “critical incidents” that their peer have experienced and can form an opinion on how they would have reacted in a similar situation.