Filmproject › Filmproject › Techniques-2: How to present it?

Techniques II: How to present it?

There are many ways of how to present a foreign culture in a film. Using various presentation techniques makes students reflect upon their experiences from different perspectives and they gain new insights into the foreign culture.

Selection from various possibilities – be creative!

Interview with local employees
Interview with local employees

There are different ways to collect material for the production of the films: Students can search for literature on cultural values/behaviours and culture specific concepts. They can systematically reflect upon their own experiences. And they can interview people like other exchange students, local students or professors, international or local business people.

A most common presentation technique is to contrast formal presentations on the foreign culture with authentic comments by people from that culture or role-played cultural critical incidents they experienced during their stay.

Presentation techniques include:

Roleplay of a critical incident
Roleplay of a critical incident
  • your own comments on the culture
    students have themselves filmed commenting on what they have experienced and use pictures or video material to illustrate what their comment
  • extracts from interviews with local people as representatives of their culture
    (e.g. students, lecturers, professionals)
  • extracts from interviews with other foreigners in the country
    (e.g. other exchange students)
  • contrasting exchange students’ statements with local students’ statements
    (e.g. interview statements from exchange students are presented followed by local students’ reaction to these statements )
  • roleplay of a cultural critical incident
    that illustrates certain values/behaviours – with the participants in the roleplay actually coming from the cultures they play; during or after the filmed roleplay, comments may be inserted on the different views/values/intentions of people in the situation